
Why you should get an Electrical Safety Check

Why you should get an Electrical Safety Check for your home

How safe is your home’s electrical system? Is the home that you and your family live in over 25+ years old? Do certain appliances trip the system? Are your electrical bills higher than normal? You might benefit from an Electrical Safety Check of your homes entire electrical system.

If you own an investment property, you would know that it is mandatory to carry out regular Electrical Safety Checks on your rental property. We take great precautions to ensure the safety of investments — but what about the safety of the home you reside in? Are you confident the electrical work, switchboards and systems are up to standard and safe? 

We can help — for $99 our experienced electricians will undertake an Electrical Safety Check.*


Why is an Electrical Safety Check important?

A safety check of the electrical system in your home helps to identify:

  1. Electrical faults that could be fire risk
  2. Shock hazards caused by dodgy plugs and switches
  3. Faulty appliances or switches causing short circuiting
  4. Non compliant switch boards or issues with switch boards


What does an Electrical Safety Check involve?

A rigorous inspection of the entire electrical system in your home. We’ll run tests on your switch board and your appliances to identify current or potential electrical hazards, and reveal whether any of the circuits or components are damaged or overloaded.

  • Inspection of all accessible wiring in the property including in the ceiling.
  • Electrical switchboard inspection to check for faulty wiring, fuses and safety switches that comply with AS3000 Standards
  • Inspecting power points and switches for correct operation, and to see if there’s damage
  • Inspection of lighting in the roof and insulation clearance
  • Check the earthing system
  • Check that smoke detectors are functioning correctly and in date

We will provide you with a report of the audit with any identified or potential issues and our recommendations.


When should I get an Electrical Safety Check?

  • If you live in an older home (25+ years old) that has older wiring
  • If you live in a property that has never had an electrical inspection
  • You have just purchased a home
  • You are about to rent out your property, or list as a holiday rental
  • You have noticed buzzing switches, repeated tripped switches or regular outages
  • To provide you with peace of mind on the safety of any of the above

To book your Electrical Safety Check with Holloway Air & Electrical call us or send us an enquiry

*Electrical Safety Audit is an inspection of the system, and does not include the undertaking of the required or recommended work, additional fault finding may be required to get to the root cause of any faults found. Please note: Electrical Safety Check is not suitable for rental compliance.